Faster loading Autodesk Maya by unloading unnecessary plugins

Faster loading Autodesk Maya by unloading unnecessary plugings

Faster loading Maya application can be achieved by unloading unnecessary plugins. Plugins that you don’t use in normal circumstances or at least all the time. And I assume Autodesk Maya has a lot of them on its plugin manager. And I know, the time we are saving ourselves by doing so, is not much, but […]

Flaming Pear Photoshop plugin (free package of effects)

Free Adobe Photoshop plugin (flaming pear - package of effects)

Flaming pear plugin is a Free package of effects for Adobe Photoshop. It contains a lot of effects such as Ornament, ChromaSolarize, Tachyon, Ghost, Solidify, Vitriol, RGB/HSL, and much more. This post is more like to inform you about the plugin than teach you all the in and out of it. Photoshop, as everybody knows, […]