Batch Export FBX from Maya (Game Exporter)

Batch Export FBX from Maya (Game Exporter)

Batch export FBX from Maya can be a great and efficient process. Don’t waste time exporting a bunch of 3d assets manually. There is a better and more efficient way to do so. And the way to do that is with the built-in tool Game Exporter.

FBX 3d files are widely used for 3d assets, character, environments, etc. Since they support geometry, animation, and texrures.

Why to batch export FBX files from Maya:

  • export multiple 3d objects at once
  • working with game engines such as Unity or Unreal Engine, that require individual FBX files

Some other Maya articles, they may speed up your workflow:

Game Exporter in Maya:

We can find the Game Exporter tool under File – Game Exporter.

There are pretty much all the export opotions we need, like when exporting with the tranditional way from Maya. One big diference is under Settings – Export Method. By default is set to Export to Signle File. Change it to Export to Multiple Files.

game exporter settings window in Maya

Some other settings to be aware:

  • 2. FBX version: The 2014/2014 is the most reliable in my experience so far
  • 3. Path: Choose the folderyou want to store your exported 3d files
  • 4. Prefix: As the name suggest, put some described words in front of your exported files

Using Batch Export FBX from Maya:

As you can see in the image below, we have 20 3D Avatars in our Maya scene. Even Though they are not too much work to export them manually, imagine if you had 100, or even more to export.

So instead of exporting all of them individually, one by one, we will use Game Exporter to export them at once, in a few seconds.

Batch Export FBX from Maya scene

Go to File – Game Exporter, to open up the window settings in Maya.

Go to the Model tab, since we are going to export geometry without animation.

In the Geometry section: uncheck everything you don’t want to include, like skinning, blendshapes, etc. In my case, i have checked only the Smoothing groups.

Now, In the Settings Section: Choose the Export to Multiple Files. Also, make sure you have checked Embed Media in case you have texture attached to your 3d models.

Lastly, Set the correct path to your new destination folder, witch all your new FBXs will be exported. Also, add a Prefix, for your exported FBX files.

Click export when you are done.

Note: If you want your 3d objects, to be at the origin (0,0,0) when you export them, you have to check the Move to Origin option.

Batch Export FBX from Maya with game exporter settings

Maya will take some time, to export all your 3d files to your choosen destination folder, and when it’s done, it will show a popup window Export Successfull.

You can see my exported FBX files in the image below:

exported FBX files from Maya

Now we can use those FBX files as we please, either importing them into a game engine, distribute them, or reopen them into a 3D application, that support FBX file format.

If you like the above 3D avatar models you can find them down below, in many renderers and formats, included FBX:

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Picture of Vladi Dan

Vladi Dan

Hey there. I am an experienced 3D Artist - Graphic Designer for over 7 years. Of course, the learning process doesn't really end. I am more than happy to share my personal knowledge with you guys. Let's create and learn some cool stuff together. I hope you join me on this creative trip.

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