Create a Custom MEL Script for Common Commands in Maya
Creating a custom MEL script in Maya can save a lot of time. Especially when we are running the same commands over and over again. In this article, we will demonstrate a very simple concept of using three common commands and how we can benefit by creating a custom MEL script that will be used […]
Put a Mel / Python script on a Shelf in Maya for easy access
A good and easy way to reuse a script, either a Mel or Python script is to put them on a shelf in Maya. You could also make variations of a script and put all variations on a shelf in Maya. The main reason is when you need a particular script to run, you don’t […]
Combine curves in Maya as one piece through a simple line of MEL script
Combine multiple curves in Maya as one piece is not really a necessary trick, to be honest, but is good to know how you can accomplish it. The use of this tip is more for a cleanup scene than a productive technique. As you work on a project in Maya with a lot of curves […]
Joint splitter mel script tool for Maya (time-saver for rigging)
joint splitter mel script tool for Maya can be very handy in your toolbelt if you working a lot with rigging. It could save you a lot of time. It’s very easy to use and it’s absolutely free. Download the script The creator of this awesome script is Brian Escribano. Another great tool for rigging […]