Create Automatic FK Controls for Joints in Maya
Create automatic FK controls for joints in Maya, an intuitive python script with UI to simplify your rig workflow. It’s completely free and you should definetly try it. This script is an upgrate, that has a UI for easely change the type of constrains and also has a slider to adjust the size of the […]
Create Randomly Duplicate Objects with Python Script in Maya
Create randomly duplicate objects in Maya with python script generated from chatGPT. I wish this functionality was a buit-in feature in Maya. Trust me, you are going to love it. Even though Maya has a similar built-in feature “Duplicate Special“, it won’t given the same results, not even close. It lags in the randomness parameter. […]
Select Random Faces in Maya with Python Script from ChatGPT
Select random faces in Maya with Python script with a percentage slider that can speed up your workflow. This Python script has been generated with chatGPT by a few prompts. In a previus article we explored how to select random faces in Maya with a mel script. That script eventhough was great and did the […]