Select Random Faces in Maya with Python Script from ChatGPT

Select Random Faces in Maya with Python Script from ChatGPT

Select random faces in Maya with Python script with a percentage slider that can speed up your workflow. This Python script has been generated with chatGPT by a few prompts.

In a previus article we explored how to select random faces in Maya with a mel script. That script eventhough was great and did the job, it didn’t have a percentage slider UI, so we had to change the percentage through the Script Editor in Maya, each time we needed to.

What this Python script does:

It randomly selects faces in our geometry we specify with a percentage slider. Everytime we run the script it select different faces, based on the slider percentage we specify. We can run this tool per object, that means we select one 3d object and run it, not multiselected objects.

Random Faces Python Script Generated from chatGPT:

As I said, I generated this script with chatGPT.

My first prompt was the following (left-click to expand the scripts):

Eventhough it was working pretty well, i didn’t want to change the percentage value manually through the Script Editor in Maya. The same thing pretty much does the previous mel script, so the new one wasn’t really an upgraded.

In that case, i had to open up everytime the python script in the Script Editor in Maya, and go all over the end, to find the last code line and change the value 15, which is the percentage value to something else.

# Example usage: Adjust the percentage as needed

So my second prompt gave me what i wanted. The upgrade i need:

As a result chatGPT created the same python script, only this time, added a percentage slider on a UI, which is extremely helpful.

Select Random Faces in Maya python script with a UI for controlling the percentage with a slider

Random Faces with Slider in Maya:

In this demonstration I have created a terrain 3d object in Maya from a simple plane, by just pulling faces with soft selection technique, nothing special.

simple 3D terrain created in Maya from a plane, with a soft selection technique

Select your 3d geometry and go and open the Sctipt Editor by going to Windows – General Editors – Script Editor.

Copy the second generated script from above, and paste it into the Script Editor in Maya.

Highligh the whole python script with ctrl+A, and press ctrl+enter to execute the script.

Highligh the whole python script with ctrl+A, and press ctrl+enter to execute the script.

Our new Python UI window appears. Set the percentage slider as you please and hit select random faces on the same window.

After that do what you want with that random selected faces. In my case, i just pull them up, in order to create some noise as you can see in the image below:

Select Random Faces in Maya python script in action

Don’t forget to put the script into a shelf in Maya for easy access, in case you use it a lot into your projects.

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Vladi Dan

Hey there. I am an experienced 3D Artist - Graphic Designer for over 7 years. Of course, the learning process doesn't really end. I am more than happy to share my personal knowledge with you guys. Let's create and learn some cool stuff together. I hope you join me on this creative trip.

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