Download dark theme for Unity Game Engine personal (Free) version 5.6

Download dark theme for Unity Game Engine personal (Free) version 5.6

Download Dark theme for Unity Game Engine version 5.6.

One way to have a dark theme for Unity is to subscribe for the Plus or Pro version which will cost you 25$/month and 125$/month accordingly. The other way is to use the Free Personal version and download the following “script”. You are totally fine with the free version as your company makes 100k per year.

The color of the interface in Unity Game Engine in the free edition by default is light gray. On the other hand in the pro edition is a dark one (a good choice if you ask me). It sounds a bit straight, but I didn’t really feel comfortable using it at first cause of its interface color. So I gave it a try. Unfornutualty it didn’t change the feeling.

In the meanwhile, all the other software I am using has a dark interface or at least has the option to choose between dark and light gray colors. Such as Maya, 3ds max, Zbrush, Photoshop, etc. So, you see my point. And it’s not that I just like the color itself, but more like if you be doing a lot of work in front of a screen it may as well be a dark theme that you dealing with, in order to have your eyes in place 🙂

So I spent some time overcoming such a tragedy 🙂 I finally found a piece of software script to just make that change in Unity for me. To alter the light gray color of the interface intro dark one. Unfortunately, I can really recall where I found that software – script to give the proper credit.

Note: The software – script works perfectly with version 5.6. I haven’t really tested it yet in the earliest version of Unity.

You can see the difference in the image below:

Download the dark theme for the Unity game engine

dark interface - light gray interface
dark interface – light gray interface

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