How to delete all bindpose and re-create a new one in Autodesk Maya

Delete multiple bindpose nodes and re-create a single one in Autodesk Maya, with a single small line of code. This technique is extremely easy to apply. No need for professional coding skills, just a simple understanding of nodes and general stuff in Maya. You can also watch a Youtube video I prepared about this technique: […]
How to bake Ambient Occlusion texture map in Maya – Vray

Bake Ambient Occlusion in Maya with the help of Vray renderer is an interesting technique you should have under your belt. The process is quite simple, it can add an extra level of detail to your color map textures. You can take advantage of ambient occlusion texture maps to make your models more realistic, either […]
Faster loading Autodesk Maya by unloading unnecessary plugins

Faster loading Maya application can be achieved by unloading unnecessary plugins. Plugins that you don’t use in normal circumstances or at least all the time. And I assume Autodesk Maya has a lot of them on its plugin manager. And I know, the time we are saving ourselves by doing so, is not much, but […]
Add round edges in Maya (V-ray) without extra geometry

Round edges in Maya without actually adding extra geometry is a pretty cool thing you can accomplish with the help of V-ray renderer. Instead of adding extra geometry to make your hard edges rounds, you could just use a simple custom attribute (V-ray node) for that particular reason. Of course, this technique works only alongside […]
3D render with Photoshop (export from Maya and import in Photoshop)

3D render with Photoshop, that sounds interesting, right! You can import, make adjustments and render 3D models with a few clicks inside Photoshop. We are going to export a simple guitar 3D model from Maya into Photoshop. After that, we will make some changes in a couple of levels such as textures, materials, and lighting. […]
General tips and tricks in Autodesk Maya 2018 – Youtube tutorials

General tips and tricks in Autodesk Maya 2018 now in our channel on Youtube. This post is more for what is comes in the sense of video tutorials about Maya software. This is a series of tutorials about Autodesk Maya to cover plenty of tips and tricks to get you more knowledgeable and more capable […]
How to generate random particle instancer in Maya

Generate random particle instancer in Maya with a few steps. It’s a really powerful technique and pretty simple. All you have to do is to write a simple expression and connect a parament to it. Dynamics in Maya are quite interesting and easy to produce in a way. One of the easier techniques you can […]
3D graphics tool for everyone with Clara (Model, Animate, Render)

Clara is a free 3d modeling software among other things. Is a cloud-based software for creating, animating, and rendering 3D graphics without spending big money or really any money on a 3D package. It has a beautiful UI and it’s very simple to use. However, it’s not as powerful as other 3D software. One thing […]
Smoke effect with fluids in Maya and After Effects – fire smoke intro logo animation

Smoke fire intro logo animation with the powerful fluids system in Maya and After Effects is something worth watching – reading. Fluids in Maya has so many potentials. One of them is to create a dynamic smoke effect and with the help of After Effects you could get the final look (fire) like below: Note: […]
How to make an interesting 3D illusion portrait in After Effects

3D illusion portrait in After Effects is an interesting and fun technique. You could just brag to your friends or you may implement it in one of your personal or commercial projects. So, what is a 3D illusion portrait in After Effects, right! 3D illusion portrait is a technic that allows you to make a […]
Creating 3d characters with MakeHuman software (Free)

Creating 3d characters with Makehuman software, which is surprisingly free. Makehuman is software for humanoid characters. Is a great way to start your character concept for 3D purpose. It’s a completely free open source piece of software that can do many things in a short time. Is not only for modeling* purpose. You can also […]