Working with Precomp in After Effects

Working with precomp in After Effects is a great way to nest layers and apply effects efficiently, and much more. Precomps (pre-compositions) in Adobe After Effects are essentially nested compositions. In that way, we can organize comple projects, apply efficiently effects, and improve performance. For in-depth information about this topic read here. We can create […]
Fake and Simple DOF in After Effects

Fake and simple DOF in After Effects can produce great results at least for simple shots. It’s quite fast and easy to implement. We can create a really simple depth of field (DOF) in After Effects, by seperating the foreground from the background throughg blur. Although this technique will not produce the best results for […]
Track a logo in your videos using After Effects (Motion Tracking)

Tracking a logo in your videos using After Effects can significantly enhance and enrich any video project you working on. Besides logos, we can integrate any visual elements we need into our main video, so it can look more sophisticated and more elegant. Those visual elements could be our logo, images, vector files, and any […]
Integrate footage inside footage (Motion Tracking in After Effects)

Integrating footage inside footage with motion tracking in After Effects is a must technique to have. You can create really cool things with the powerful motion tracking inside After Effects with a little effort. In the video below, we can see how we can put video footage inside a PC monitor in our video. In […]
How to move an After Effects Project to Another Computer

Move After Effects project to another computer, even though is an easy process, is not just copy-paste the whole AE project from one computer to another. Most likely we are working in a company and we want to transfer the whole After Effect project we are working on to another computer there or to a […]
How to Relink Missing Files in After Effects

Relinking missing files in After Effects is a very common task when you are dealing with AE. Especially when we are working on a project folder that has been moved, and renamed, or when individual files have been moved or renamed. In either case, even though the fix is pretty easy, it can bring a […]
How to Export WebM in After Effects with Media Encoder

Exporting a Webm video format in After Efffects using Media Encoder requires a third-party plugin. The process is straightforward and it’s absolutely free. It’s for both Windows and Macintosh. The goal here is to export a composition in Webm video format from After Effects with Media Encoder. Adobe After Effects by default does not have […]
How to Open an MOGRT file in After Effects and Premiere Pro

You have downloaded an amazing MOGRT file, and haven’t figured out yet how to open it in After Effects and Premiere Pro! Then this article is the right one for you. MOGRT stands for motion graphics template file, which can be created in After Effects and Premiere Pro. But most of the time created in […]
How to export MP4 to image sequence from After Effects

Export MP4 to image sequence from After Effects, is really an extremely easy process, you can accomplish with a few easy steps. Most of the time, when we export a video either from a compositing or editing software such as After Effects and Premiere Pro accordingly, we tend to export them as a single video. […]
How to export WebM video format with Adobe Premiere Pro

How to export WebM video format with Premiere Pro with alpha – transparency channel! We are going to need a free plugin called WebM. In this tutorial we are going to see, what is a WebM format, how to download and install it, and how to use it. Before jumping in here are some creative […]
After Effects text presets, makes the text animation cool and easy

After Effects text presets, makes the text animation process cool and easy. No animation skills are required whatsoever. If you are using After Effects for video editing purposes and you do a lot of text animation, you should probably take advantage of its built-in text presets. It’s huge. It could save you a lot of […]