3D render with Photoshop (export from Maya and import in Photoshop)
3D render with Photoshop, that sounds interesting, right! You can import, make adjustments and render 3D models with a few clicks inside Photoshop. We are going to export a simple guitar 3D model from Maya into Photoshop. After that, we will make some changes in a couple of levels such as textures, materials, and lighting. […]
Create facial GUI controls with free mel script in Maya
Create facial GUI (Graphic User Interface) controls with this awesome and free Mel script in Maya. Make your custom facial controllers with a few clicks. If you are doing a lot of custom facial rigging in Maya, you should definitely take a look at this Mel script. Download the Mel script of create facial GUI […]
Put a Mel / Python script on a Shelf in Maya for easy access
A good and easy way to reuse a script, either a Mel or Python script is to put them on a shelf in Maya. You could also make variations of a script and put all variations on a shelf in Maya. The main reason is when you need a particular script to run, you don’t […]
Create auto rig controls in Maya with free Python script
Create auto rig controls in Maya with this free Python script. This script creates automatic controllers for your selected joints in Maya. As you can imagine you can save a lot of time, creating the controllers for your joints in Maya by using this automatic script. It’s a complete time-saver script. Keep in mind, this […]
Creating mockup 3d in Maya – Photoshop for your business card
Creating mockup 3d in Maya for your business card presentation. The final step of the mockup will take place in Adobe Photoshop. In this post we are going to learn a few things about mockups in general and mostly how we can create a mockup for a business card with 3D techniques, using tools like […]
How to generate random particle instancer in Maya
Generate random particle instancer in Maya with a few steps. It’s a really powerful technique and pretty simple. All you have to do is to write a simple expression and connect a parament to it. Dynamics in Maya are quite interesting and easy to produce in a way. One of the easier techniques you can […]
An interesting way for UV unwrapping a curved pipe in Maya
How to Uv unwrapping a curved pipe in Maya seems a pretty hard thing to do, but it’s really not with the following process. Uv unwrapping process in general as every 3D artist knows is a tricky and not so much creative process. Some 3D artists even hate the whole process of UVs. Fortunately, I […]
Combine curves in Maya as one piece through a simple line of MEL script
Combine multiple curves in Maya as one piece is not really a necessary trick, to be honest, but is good to know how you can accomplish it. The use of this tip is more for a cleanup scene than a productive technique. As you work on a project in Maya with a lot of curves […]
Joint splitter mel script tool for Maya (time-saver for rigging)
joint splitter mel script tool for Maya can be very handy in your toolbelt if you working a lot with rigging. It could save you a lot of time. It’s very easy to use and it’s absolutely free. Download the script The creator of this awesome script is Brian Escribano. Another great tool for rigging […]
How to enlarge a picture without losing any quality at all
Enlarge a picture without losing any quality at all with 3D render. We are going to enlarge our picture dramatically inside Autodesk Maya with a few steps. It’s not about improving your pictures it’s about enlarging them. But when you enlarge a picture, without losing any details from the original, you can call it improved […]
Python script for mirror cluster deformer in Autodesk Maya
Python script for mirror cluster deformer in Maya, to save the day. Using this script you save time from creating the clusters and the paint weights of them for the opposite side. Did I mention the script is Free! Yeap, enjoy it. The Author of the python script for mirror cluster deformer in Maya is […]